
Welcome to the

  My only marketing has been putting LBEW stickers over urinals in dive bars: a captive audience for nonsense.  My apologies if you were hoping for something else at the end of your urinal rainbow - admittedly, following urinal rainbows can often be worth it.  

But you are here - so do I have anything 'worthy' to offer?

Yes. I have a set of writings (titled 'the Last Book Ever Written'), which came into my possession rather oddly, and which I've managed to publish.

Why should you read it?

Well, if - for instance - you wanted to really understand why the Mayans thought there was an apocalypse coming at the end of 2012 (and yes, it has to do with a huge, flying, feathered and scaled entity returning to the planet to wreak havoc).
It's also worth noting that this apocalyptic event may be rendered moot if Tanner, the antisocial bartender, truly becomes the most powerful being in the universe.

So it's probably worth at least checking out, to be sure...

              - Demian 

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